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Stories of Earth: Echoes in Architecture

On the 14th September Níall will be speaking at Stories of Earth: Echoes in Architecture at the University of Technology in Sydney. Níall's talk is titled About Time.

'A place is somewhere we return to. This is what sets it apart from the continuous flow of topography. Our connection to a place is renewed with each visit. Therefore, it has a special connection with time. We might say that the concept of place has as much to do with time as with area. Archaeologists researching the earliest permanent houses look for a telltale sign: one hearth built above another as an act of conscious representation. It tells us that some little band, family, or community saw their bonds lasting over a longer duration. This was something that could be given material presence. The first houses gave us a history. They encouraged us to believe that we could jointly invest in more ambitious activities whose returns were not immediately available. This expanded horizon transformed human culture. It also gave us our present conception of architecture, which is, above all, a representation of temporal depth. Níall will speak about architecture as a material embodiment of time.'

Níall will be joined by Rick Joy, Marina Tabassum Marusa Zorec and Peter Stuchbury.

The event page can be accessed here.


JUNE 2022

WongAvery Gallery opening

HRH The Duke of Gloucester officially opened the WongAvery Music Gallery for Trinity Hall on the 24th June.

During the dedication ceremony in the Music Gallery, Vice-Master Dr Daniel Tyler and Vice-Chair of the Avery-Tsui Foundation Natasha Wong, addressed the guests, before a dedication given by alumnus Revd Cortland Fransella. The ceremony concluded by the Director of Music Andrew Arthur, who played a piece on the piano in the new space.

Dr Tyler said: “Avery Court has been transformed by the addition of the WongAvery Music Gallery. This state-of-the art musical recital and rehearsal space is a stunning addition to the College. We are grateful to His Royal Highness for formally opening the building.

“We offer our sincere thanks to the Avery-Tsui Foundation for their support. It is wonderful to be in this space at the heart of Trinity Hall and know that it has been built thanks to the love of music and the love of the College on the part of a former student and his family. I am sure it will inspire future generations of students.”