Films have been made by the RIBA and Unique Spaces of Saltmarsh House for The House of the Year. They can both be viewed on the film page of our website here.
Films have been made by the RIBA and Unique Spaces of Saltmarsh House for The House of the Year. They can both be viewed on the film page of our website here.
On the 25th November Níall will be giving a lecture at the 40th Piran Days of Architecture in Slovenia. The theme for the event was Context. Concept. Consensus. The weekend conference is also tied in with the Piranesi International Architecture Award of which Níall will also be judging. National and student selectors will nominate 55 completed architectural projects from 11 Central European countries and 38 student projects from 19 architectural faculties, which will be presented at a joint exhibition.
Dr. Marco Spada, Senior Lecturer in Architecture at the University of Suffolk, has written an article for the Italian Journal of Architecture, on contemporary architecture in Cambridge. In the article he refers to our three Cambridge projects, the WongAvery Gallery, Jesus College and Magdalebe Library. You can visit the article here.