JUNE 2016

On 25th June Niall McLaughlin Architects will open up our practice for the RIBA London Open Studios 2016 as part of the London Festival of Architecture. We moved into our new offices in Bedford House in 2015 and share the building alongside David Kohn Architects and Cousins & Cousins Architects who will also be opening their doors for this event.
To see more about the event visit the London Festival of Architecture website here.
MARCH 2015

Looking south from the roof garden, the view is framed by the ‘beak’ of the building looking south over Regents Canal and out towards the BT tower.

The concrete frame of the Tapestry (T1) building is approaching completion, with just two more floors to be constructed. This space on the 8th floor will become an outdoor roof garden enclosed either side by two level ‘townhouses’ and a tower to the north. The area will be open to residents and landscaped with trees and gardens.