MARCH 2022

An awards ceremony for the Greater Cambridge Design and Construction Awards was held at Frankopan Hall at Jesus College at the University of Cambridge on the 16th March.
Magdalene College Library won the Best New Building over £2m and was also winner of the Craftesmanship Award Category. The WongAvery Gallery was also commended in both categories.
The Greater Cambridge Design and Construction Awards celebrate the best in placemaking, design and craft skills locally.
MARCH 2022

The Civic Trust Awards scheme was established in 1959 to recognise outstanding architecture, planning and design in the built environment.
The longest-standing built environment awards in Europe, their aim is to encourage the best in architecture and environmental design and to recognise projects that offer a positive cultural, social, economic or environmental benefit to their local communities.
The New Library was announced as the Eastern Winner from 160 entries from across the UK and Internationally. The judging panel commented: “The execution of the new library and its relationship with Magdalene College is delightful and appropriate and will be enjoyed by the college for many years to come.”
Fellow and Chairman of Cloverleaf, Professor Tom Spencer (1973) said: “We are so delighted with this Civic Trust Award which confirms what we already know - a brilliant building that works so well for us in so many ways."
MARCH 2022

On the 24th May Níall will be a guest lecturer at MantovArchitettura festival 2022 at the Palazzo Ducale, Atrio degli Arcieri, Mantova. MANTOVARCHITETTURA is a cultural project conceived and organized by the Territorial Pole of Mantua of the Politecnico di Milano, as part of the activities of the UNESCO Chair in Planning and Architectural Protection in World Heritage Cities. Launched by the series of international conferences promoted in this context since 2012, the initiative offers a rich program of exhibitions, workshops, conferences and meetings with the protagonists of international architectural culture, which every year, in the month of May, transform Mantua into a Capital of architecture