JULY 2017

Our two projects for the Auckland Castle Trust, the Welcome Building and the Scotland Wing Extension, are featured in Domus this month. Both projects are now on site with completion due next year.
Our two projects for the Auckland Castle Trust, the Welcome Building and the Scotland Wing Extension, are featured in Domus this month. Both projects are now on site with completion due next year.
‘Certain buildings have an extraordinary vividness, a sense of being more intense than others. That special presence is renewed every time I see the Berkeley Library’ – Niall
To mark the publication of the 20th Century Society’s publication of their new book, ’50 Architects, 50 Buildings’, Niall will be speaking at RIBA on 27th September about a building which has inspired him and made a lasting impact on his work: the Berkeley Library at Trinity College Dublin, by ABK.
Peter Barber, Sarah Featherstone, and Cany Ash will also speak about buildings that they regard as critically influential to their work.