JUNE 2015

The Bartlett School of Architecture prepared a series of folios to showcase research work by its own staff. Niall took part by producing work on three projects, the Block N14 façade, Olympic Village, Stratford, the Alzheimer’s Respite Centre, Dublin, and the Bishop Edward Chapel, Oxford. All of the portfolios can be downloaded via the following link
JUNE 2015

Niall gave a joint presentation on the Jesus College, Wesley House Development with Tim Powter-Robinson from Cowper Griffiths to the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry on the 8th June.
JUNE 2015

The Bartlett Summer Show 2015 opens from the 26th June until the 11th July at The Bartlett School of Architecture, 140 Hampstead Road, London NW1 2BX. The show is one of the world’s biggest architecture degree shows presenting work from over 500 students. Niall teaches Unit 17 with Yeoryia Manolopoulou and Michiko Sumi.

These images show students from Unit 17 – taught by Niall, Yeoryia and Michiko – preparing for the show and installing their collective model. Each student designed a building in Leicester based upon a theme that asked them to re-imagine a regional British city in the light of the Government’s new proposals for devolved powers. The model is interactively linked to an array of mobile phones mounted around the edge that show short films of the students describing their work in detail.