Níall McLaughlin
Saltmarsh House - House & Garden
The International Rugby Experience - AV 2023 Portfolio
The Faith Museum - Bauwelt
New Library, Magdalene College - Detail
The Faith Museum - Architectural Record
WongAvery Gallery - Architecture Today
Quaint Quarters - Architectural Record
Magdalene College Library - Casabella
Magdalene College Library - Baumeister
International Rugby Experience - L'Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui
A Scrum of a Building - The Observer
Losing Myself - Neuro Architecture
Combs, cages and thickets - arq
WongAvery Gallery - Casabella
Saltmarsh House - IW
Magdalene - IW
RA Summer Exhibition - The Guardian
Modesty Blaze - RIBA Journal
Magdalene College Library - Architects Journal
West Court, Jesus College - Casabella
Magdalene - IW Detail24
Built to Last
The Fishing Hut - C3
Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre - Detail
Níall McLaughlin - L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui
Neat enough for Pepys - The Guardian
The Measure of Man - Irish Arts Review
In Practice. Níall McLaughlin - Architects Journal
Urban Fabric - Architecture Today
Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre - RIBA Journal
Losing Myself - Architects Journal
An Evolving Sum of the Parts - The RIBA Journal
An interview with Níall McLaughlin MRIAI on his first five years in practice - Architecture Ireland
West Court, Jesus College - Detail
Venice Viewpoints - Architecture Today
Bishop Edward King Chapel - Baumeister
Stirling Prize 2015, Darbishire Place - Architects' Journal
A Lifetime of Renewal - Architects' Journal
Darbishire Place - Architecture Today
Yale Architecture
Bishop Edward King Chapel - C3
Chapel in Cuddesdon - Detail
Il Sole 24 Ore
London Maverick - Mark
Street Life - Architectural Review
Comment on the Stirling Prize Shortlist - Architects’ Journal
Drawing to a Close, Dogtooth Clipsham Limestone Cladding - AJ Specification
Happy Ending RIBA Journal
Structured to Capture Light - a+u
Taking the Bling out of Building - The Observer
Student Accommodation in Oxford - Detail
Sacred Spaces - Building Design
Lightenings - Architecture Today
Ark of Light - Architectural Review
The Answer to Their Prayers - The Observer
Whitechapel Estate - Architecture Today
Student Housing, Somerville College, Oxford - AJ Specification
New Student Accommodation, Somerville College, Oxford - werk, bauen + wohnen
Peplos, the Dissimulating Façade - Archithese
Athletes’ Housing, London Olympics - Architecture Ireland
Damascene Dereliction - Architectural Review
The House at Spanish Cove - Architects’ Journal
Town and Gown - Architecture Today
House in Goleen - Architecture Ireland
Good Intentions - The Financial Times
An Acropolis of Ideas - RIAI Annual Review
Olympians’ Village Politics - Building Design
Chapel for Ripon College - Architectural Review
Why Not Ask the Old Folks? - RIBA Journal
Burren House, Dublin - Architects’ Journal
Athletes’ Village, Block N15 - Architectural Review
Paul Finch’s Letter from London - Architects’ Journal
First Look, ‘Elgin Marbles’ for 2012 Olympics Unveiled - Architects’ Journal
Building for a Longer Lifetime - Architects’ Journal
House in Dublin - Detail
Cladding, Somerville College Student Buildings - Building Design
Meads Reach Footbridge - Building Design
Níall McLaughlin to design College Chapel - Architects’ Journal
5 British Firms - Architectural Record
Welcome to the Pleasure Pier - The Guardian
Deal’s Choice - Building Design
Delight - Architectural Review
Inspiration – Berkeley Library, Trinity College Dublin - Building Design
Fresh Ideas for Low Cost Housing - Casabella
Trinity Inspires McLaughlin’s New Church - Architects’ Journal
Illumination as Place, Irish Projects by Níall McLaughlin - Architecture Ireland
House at Crouch End, London - Architecture Ireland
Sunny Side Up - RIBA Journal
Penthouse Apartment, Kensington - Architecture Ireland
Private House at Clonakilty - A+D
Digital Studio, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University - Architecture Ireland
A Façade as Iridescent as Petrol - Detail
House at Crouch End - Architecture Today
View Point - Architectural Review
Peabody Housing, Silvertown, London - Architecture Ireland
A Lean-to to Learn From - Building Design
Trapping the Light Fantastic - The Sunday Times
Built with Tender Loving Care - Sunday Times
The Right Stripes - RIBA Journal
Stealth Builder - The Telegraph
Specification Today
On the Waterfront - The Guardian
Wingspan, AR+d Highly Commended - Architectural Review
Turner Centre, Margate, Competition Entry Architecture - Research Quarterly
Making Light of Building - The Sunday Times
Wildlife Retreat - Architectural Review
Shack, Foxhall, Northhamptonshire - Architectural Design
Young Architect of the Year, 1998 - Building Design
Wood Awards 2013, Gold Award and Structural Winner - RIBA Journal
Classical Good Looks - Concrete Quarterly
Reflections on a New Talent - The Sunday Times
Black Box - Architects’ Journal
The Architecture of Delight - RIAI Annual Review
Peabody Housing, Darbishire Place - Architecture Ireland
Carmelite Priory, Kensington, London - The Oxford Review of Architecture
AV Monografías - Nº 264
Designs on History: The Architect as Physical Historian
Change is the Reality
Twelve Halls
Layers of Contemporary Architecture
111 Inception
Ninety-Nine Tesserae from Architecture
Extinct A Compendium of Obsolete Objects
I Frammenti Del Tempo
Sir Banister Fletcher's Global History of Architecture
Kenneth Frampton Modern Architecture
Architecture Through Drawing
Daylight Matters. Taking Light For a Walk
Modern Religious Architecture in Germany, Ireland and Beyond
Bartlett Design Research Folios - Losing Myself
Bartlett Design Research Folios - Oxford Projects
Sketchbooks – Niall McLaughlin
My Bauhaus - 100 Architects on the 100th Anniversary of a Myth
Swiss Sensibility. The Culture of Architecture in Switzerland
Life of a Building Futuna
Sacred Spaces
Bartlett Design Research Folios - Bishop Edward King Chapel
Bartlett Design Research Folios - Alzheimer's Respite Centre
Bartlett Design Research Folios - Block N15 Facade, Olympic Village
The Architecture of Light
40 Under 40
New Irish Architecture 25
Material Matters
Gritty Brits - New London Architecture
The Phaidon Atlas
Architecture, The Subject is Matter
Young British Architects
Millimeter Níall McLaughlin Pavilion
Have We Got Planning News For You Podcast
Architectural Record’s DESIGN:ED Podcast Conversations with Leading Professionals
Theory of Architecture
Interview with Níall McLaughlin
Radio New Zealand Interview
Spaces and the Lives Within
Radio 3 Night Waves
Old Timbers To New Fires
Circling a Star: A Daylight Talk
Architecture Foundation - Drawing Together
100 Day Studio: Arch-ive
Takshila Lecture
International Rugby Experience
Saltmarsh House
Saltmarsh House
Irish Architecture Foundation-Site Specific
Mantovarchitettura 2021
Bartlett International Lecture Series
AJ 100
New Library, Magdalene College
Alternative Histories
Charles Jencks Award 2016
Losing Myself
Losing Myself Preview
Social Drawing-Dining Room
Social Drawing-Dancing
Origins and Translations
Future Build - In conversation with Will Gompertz
There is Music in Every Building - TEDX
Spaces And The Lives Within | Highlights of the Venice Biennale 2018
Model Making for the Biennale Architettura 2018
The Tracing Floor
Acoustic Model
Société Francaise des Architectes - Melting into Air
SABE Open Lecture Series
Concrete Elegance
UCLA Lecture Series
The Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
Darbishire Place Stirling Prize Shortlist
RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
Bedroom Window Installation
Peplos the Dissimulating Façade
Modern Religious Architecture in Germany, Ireland and Beyond
Losing Myself - Neuro Architecture
The Shack
Drawing Together
The Tracing Floor
The Tradition Of Modern Architecture
Haze of Candles
A Royal Gittern at the British Museum
Battersea Power Station
Architects’ Homes
Bartlett International Lecture Series 2015/16
We Built this City
Swimmers, RIBA 2015
Nurturing Spaces: Designing for Dementia
Niall McLaughlin, architect behind Limerick's International Rugby Experience
Free School Of: capturing time, in conversation with Marko Milovanovic